\r\n"; mail('jim.rolt@googlemail.com', $subject, $error, $headers); } //include'memcache.php'; include'dataedit/sql.php'; $county = is_numeric($_GET['county']) && $_GET['county'] > 0 ? $_GET['county'] : 1; $town = !empty($_GET['town']) ? $_GET['town'] : 'Worcester'; $qtown = !empty($_GET['town']) ? mysql_real_escape_string(preg_replace("/[-\s]/", "_",$_GET['town'])) : 'Worcester'; $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE Towns.ID, Towns.Description, clientpic, piclink, Towns.latitude, Towns.longitude, snippet, Towns.weather, EstDetails.Name, Quotes.quote, famousperson, famous.name FROM Towns LEFT JOIN EstDetails ON EstDetails.RecordID = Towns.council LEFT JOIN Quotes ON Quotes.townid = Towns.ID LEFT JOIN famous ON famous.id = Quotes.famousperson WHERE Towns.Name LIKE '".preg_replace("/[-\s]/", "_", $qtown)."' AND Towns.County = $county"; $details = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim("towndetails", "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $towndetails = mysql_fetch_object($details); //$details = mysql_query_cache($sql); //$towndetails = $details[0]; if(!empty($towndetails->clientpic)){ $sql = "SELECT Name FROM EstDetails WHERE RecordID = $towndetails->clientpic LIMIT 1"; $Ename = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim("Ename", "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $pname = mysql_fetch_object($Ename); } $events = mysql_query("SELECT SQL_CACHE eventid, event, events.month AS emonth, location, town, months.month, day, detailcounty, CountyName FROM events INNER JOIN months ON months.id = events.month INNER JOIN CountyDetails ON CountyDetails.RecordID = events.county WHERE county = $county AND town LIKE '$qtown' AND ( exactdate = '0000-00-00' OR exactdate >= NOW() ) ORDER BY emonth, event"); $sql = "SELECT EstDetails.RecordID, EstDetails.Name, EstType, EstTypeAlt, EstType2, EstType3, Town, EstDetails.description, website, EstDetails.email, reviews.id AS Rid, Details.DPrice FROM featured INNER JOIN EstablishmentType ON EstablishmentType.ID = featured.type INNER JOIN EstDetails ON EstDetails.RecordID = featured.place AND EstDetails.Town = '$qtown' AND EstType = 1 LEFT JOIN Details ON Details.RecordID = EstDetails.RecordID LEFT JOIN reviews ON EstDetails.RecordID = reviews.est AND reviews.display = 1 AND reviews.type = 1 WHERE featured.county = $county AND Town LIKE '$qtown'"; $poptemp1 = mysql_query($sql); $sql = "SELECT EstDetails.RecordID, EstDetails.Name, EstType, EstTypeAlt, EstType2, EstType3, Town, EstDetails.description, website, EstDetails.email, CountyName, CountyNameCut, CountyDetails.CountryID, CountyDetails.bcomregion, reviews.id AS Rid, Details.DPrice FROM EstDetails LEFT JOIN Details ON Details.RecordID = EstDetails.RecordID INNER JOIN CountyDetails ON (County = CountyDetails.RecordID OR County2 = CountyDetails.RecordID) LEFT JOIN reviews ON EstDetails.RecordID = reviews.est AND reviews.display = 1 AND reviews.type = 1 WHERE List = 1 AND (EstDetails.County = $county OR EstDetails.County2 = $county) AND Town LIKE '$qtown' ORDER BY RAND() "; $poptemp = mysql_query($sql); $details = array(); $chid = array(); $count = 1; $etarray = array('Hotel' => array(1,5,12), 'Bed and Breakfast' => array(2), 'Self Catering' => array(4), 'Budget' => array(7), 'hol' => array(15), 'Cottage' => array(20)); //types we want to put on the page while($row = mysql_fetch_object($poptemp1)){ $details['Hotel'][$row->RecordID] = array('Name'=>$row->Name, 'Town'=>$row->Town, 'description'=>$row->description, 'website'=>$row->website, 'email'=>$row->email, 'Rid'=>$row->Rid, 'DPrice'=>$row->DPrice); //add establishment to details array } while($row = mysql_fetch_object($poptemp)){ if($count == 1){ //get county name $CountyName = $row->CountyName; $CountyNameCut = $row->CountyNameCut; $CountryID = $row->CountryID; $bcomregion = $row->bcomregion; } foreach($etarray as $key => $value){ if(in_array($row->EstType, $value) || in_array($row->EstType2, $value) || in_array($row->EstType3, $value) || in_array($row->EstTypeAlt, $value)){ $details[$key][$row->RecordID] = array('Name'=>$row->Name, 'Town'=>$row->Town, 'description'=>$row->description, 'website'=>$row->website, 'email'=>$row->email, 'Rid'=>$row->Rid, 'DPrice'=>$row->DPrice); //add establishment to details array if(in_array($key, array('Hotel','Bed and Breakfast','Self Catering', 'Inn','Budget','Cottage')) && !in_array($row->RecordID, $chid)){ $count ++; $chid[] = $row->RecordID;//count each establishment once only } } } } //print_r($details); if($count < 8 && $CountryID < 4){ $hotelids = array(); foreach($details as $a => $b){ foreach($b as $c => $d){ $hotelids[] = $c; } } $hotelids = array_unique($hotelids); $exclude = implode(',',$hotelids); if($towndetails->latitude && $exclude > ''){ $sql = "SELECT EstDetails.RecordID, EstDetails.Name, EstDetails.Town, EstDetails.description, EstDetails.website, EstDetails.email, TYPE, SQRT( POW( 69.1 * ( latitude - $towndetails->latitude ) , 2 ) + POW( 69.1 * ( $towndetails->longitude - longitude ) * COS( latitude / 57.3 ) , 2 ) ) AS distance FROM EstDetails INNER JOIN EstablishmentType ON EstablishmentType.ID = EstType WHERE latitude IS NOT NULL AND EstType IN(1,2,4,5,7) AND RecordID NOT IN($exclude) GROUP BY distance ORDER BY distance ASC LIMIT 10"; $others = mysql_query($sql); // $others = mysql_query_cache($sql); } } $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE id, LEFT(tips,49) AS tip FROM Towns WHERE Name = '$qtown' AND County = $county AND tips > ''"; $tips = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim("tips", "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE id FROM famousdates WHERE town = '$qtown' AND county = $county "; $fd = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim("Famous dates", "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $query = "SELECT SQL_CACHE review FROM countyreviews WHERE display = 1 AND county = $county AND town = '$qtown' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1"; //echo $query.'
'; $view = mysql_query($query); if(mysql_num_rows($view) == 1){ $vi = mysql_fetch_object($view); $virep = ''; $description = explode(' ', $vi->review); $dnum = (count($description) < 10) ? count($description) : 10; for($i=0; $i<$dnum; $i++){$virep .= $description[$i].' ';} } if(!isset($details['Hotel']) && !isset($details['Inn'])){ header("HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently"); header("Location: https://information-britain.co.uk/bnbtowns.cfm?town=$town&county=$county"); exit(); } $townpix = mysql_query("SELECT townpix.*, EstDetails.Name FROM townpix LEFT JOIN EstDetails ON EstDetails.RecordID = townpix.clientid WHERE townpix.town LIKE '$qtown' AND townpix.county = $county")or mailjim("townpix", mysql_error()); /*if(!function_exists('file_exists')){ function file_exists($path){ return (@fopen($path,"r")==true); } }*/ echo <<Hotels in $town. Online booking for $town hotels, $CountyName EOT; ?>
output; //include'featuredtownhotels.php'; //feature($county, $qtown); include'adviva.txt'; include'burstmedia.txt';; ?>
"; if($trow->caption){echo"$trow->caption";} } elseif(mysql_num_rows($townpix) > 0){ echo"$trow->Name
$trow->Name"; } elseif($towndetails->clientpic > 0){ echo"$pname->Name
$pname->Name"; } if(!empty($towndetails->postcode)){ $wday = date("D"); $wdate = date("j M"); $xml = simplexml_load_string($towndetails->weather, 'SimpleXMLElement', LIBXML_NOCDATA); echo<<
5 day $town Weather
Max {$xml->Forecast[0]->maxtemp}°C
Min {$xml->Forecast[0]->mintemp}°C
{$xml->Forecast[0]->day->windspeed_mph} mph
Provided by Weather2
EOT; } if($towndetails->latitude > 0){echo'
';} if(!empty($towndetails->snippet)){ echo"

$towndetails->snippet.. \nRead More

"; } if(isset($towndetails->quote)){ echo<<


EOT; } if(mysql_num_rows($tips) > 0){ $tip = mysql_fetch_object($tips); echo"

$town Tips:


\"$tip->tip...more"; } echo'

'; if(isset($virep)){ echo"

A Visitor's View


\n"; } if(mysql_num_rows($events) > 0){ echo"

$town Events

"; $monthcheck = ''; $counter = ''; while($row= mysql_fetch_object($events)){ if($monthcheck != $row->month){ echo"$row->month
"; $monthcheck =$row->month; } echo"$row->event
\n"; } //echo'Add an Event'; } ?>

1 ? 'places' : 'place'; $join = ''; echo"

Hotels in $town - $count $places to stay

"; include'newbcombox.php'; newbox($town, $bcomregion); $comma = ''; echo'

'; foreach($details as $key => $value){ switch($key){ case 'Bed and Breakfast': echo"$comma B&Bs\n"; $comma=' | '; $bnbpresent = 1; break; case 'Self Catering': echo $count < 6 ? "$comma Self Catering\n": "$comma Self Catering\n"; $comma = ' | '; break; case 'Budget': echo $count < 6 ? "$comma Budget\n": "$comma Budget\n"; $comma = ' | '; break; case 'Inn': echo"$comma Inns\n"; $comma = ' | '; break; case 'Cottages': echo"$comma Cottages\n"; $comma = ' | '; break; case 'hol': echo"$comma Holiday Parks\n"; $comma = ' | '; } } echo"$commaLate deals\n | $CountyName

"; include'hotelsummarynew.php'; if(isset($details['Hotel'])){showPlace('Hotel',10);} if(isset($details['Inn'])){showplace('Inn',10);} if(isset($details['Self Catering']) && $count < 6){ echo'

Self Catering

'; showplace('Self Catering'); } if(isset($details['Budget']) && $count < 6){ echo'


'; showplace('Budget'); } if(mysql_num_rows($others) > 0){ //if(!empty($others)){ echo"

Other Places to Stay near $town

\n"; $details = array(); while($row = mysql_fetch_object($others)){ // foreach($others as $row){ $dist = sprintf("%01.2f", $row->distance); $details['Hotel'][$row->RecordID] = array('Name'=>$row->Name, 'Town'=>$row->Town, 'description'=>$row->description, 'website'=>$row->website, 'email'=>$row->email, 'distance'=>$dist); //add establishment to details array } showPlace('Hotel'); } $townurl = urlencode($town); if($count >= 11){echo"

Map of all our Hotels in $town

";} include'dailyfeature.php'; ?>