\r\n"; mail('jim.rolt@googlemail.com', $subject, $error, $headers); } include('dataedit/sql.php'); $title = "An A-Z of British Ghost Stories and Hauntings"; $desc = "The most haunted parts and buildings of Britain. Paranormal activity in every area of the UK"; if(isset($_GET['title'])){ $name = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['title']); $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE id, title FROM Haunted WHERE title LIKE '%$name%' ORDER BY title"; $q = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim("q1", "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $text = "

Results for your Folk Haunted search on '$name':
\n"; $title = "Search Folk Haunted for '$name'"; $desc = "British Folk Haunted: '$name'"; } elseif(isset($_GET['county'])){ $county = intval($_GET['county']); $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE id, title, CountyName, bcomregion FROM Haunted LEFT JOIN CountyDetails ON CountyDetails.RecordID = Haunted.county WHERE county = '$county' OR county2 = '$county' OR county3 = '$county' ORDER BY title "; $q = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim("q2", "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $cname = mysql_fetch_object($q); if(mysql_num_rows($q) == 1){ header("Location: https://information-britain.co.uk/haunteddetail.php?id=$cname->id"); exit(); } mysql_data_seek($q, 0); $text = "

British Hauntings and Ghost stories from $cname->CountyName:
\n"; $title = "British Hauntings and Ghost stories from $cname->CountyName"; $desc = "Hauntings and Ghost stories from $cname->CountyName, tales of the supernatural and unexpected"; } elseif(isset($_GET['showall'])){ $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE id, title, CountyName FROM Haunted LEFT JOIN CountyDetails ON CountyDetails.RecordID = Haunted.county ORDER BY title "; $q = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim("q3", "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $text = "

Listing all British Hauntings and Ghost stories:
\n"; $title = "Haunted, Ghostly, Ghoulish Britain"; $desc = "British Hauntings and Ghost stories, tales of the supernatural gathered from all over the UK"; } $co = mysql_query("SELECT SQL_CACHE DISTINCT RecordID, CountyName, Country.Name AS cname, Country.ID AS cid, COUNT(*) AS num FROM CountyDetails INNER JOIN Haunted ON Haunted.county = CountyDetails.RecordID OR Haunted.county2 = CountyDetails.RecordID OR Haunted.county3 = CountyDetails.RecordID INNER JOIN Country ON Country.ID = CountyDetails.CountryID GROUP BY CountyName ORDER BY cid, CountyName")or mailjim("co", mysql_error()); if(isset($q) && mysql_num_rows($q) == 0){ $text = '

Sorry, we dont have any results for your search. Please try again'; } $sql = "SELECT id, title FROM Haunted ORDER BY RAND()"; $pdata = mysql_query($sql);// or die(mysql_error()); echo << $title EOT; ?>

CountyName,$cname->bcomregion); } ?>

Related links:

Events | Lore & Legend | Rather Interesting | Cultural Britain

Spooky Britain
\n"; include'linkunit.txt'; ?>

Add all or part of a name: 

';} echo"$row->title
\n"; if($count == (mysql_num_rows($q)/2)){echo'

';} if($count == mysql_num_rows($q)){echo'

';} $count ++; } else{ echo"$row->title"; if($count < mysql_num_rows($q)){echo" | \n";} $count ++; } } } if(!isset($_GET['showall'])){ /*if(!function_exists('file_exists')){ function file_exists($path){ return (@fopen($path,"r")==true); } }*/ while($picrow = mysql_fetch_object($pdata)){ if(file_exists("images/haunted/$picrow->id.jpg")){ echo"
"; break; } } ?>

Even those of us who are sceptics cannot help but be fascinated by the strange phenomena reported all around the country, today as they have been for hundreds indeed thousands of years. Ghosts, ghouls and poltergeists abound in Britain, and knowledge of the local versions can add a dash of icy spice to a visit or a stay in just about every town and village in the land.

Our ghost stories reflect the richness of our history: a ghostly Roman army tramping still in Dorset; a Jacobite plotter waiting for the day that will never come when her brother can return; Crusaders rising from a Norfolk church to fight their Saracen foe once every year.

Few actually get to see a spectre appear before us, but there is no doubting that places associated with historic or horrific events retain an indefinable atmosphere - who among us can look over an ancient battlefield without feeling some distant echo of the terror of those who fought and died there? Knowing our history is important, and so often ghost stories throw some light on the mores, the events, the feeling of an era: thus hearing the tale of Sweyne the Danish invader killed by the ghost of St Edmund illuminates how in times long past the martyred Edmund was revered, and how desperately the English desired help to rid them of the Norsemen.

A most accommodating aspect of British ghost tales is that so many are centred on pubs, inns, and great houses (some of the latter turned into our unrivalled country house hotels), as much a part of the furniture in various hostelries as the snug bar or the oak panelling. Knowing a bit about them before you go can help a rainy evening pass very pleasantly, though children are perhaps not the best audience for such stories, especially if they are sleeping in one of the rooms central to the particular legend. So even if just for the late-night adults in the party look for local tales of the supernatural before you visit somewhere in Britain, and maybe practice the spooky laugh a bit.

British Hauntings and Ghost stories by county: Show All

'; mysql_data_seek($co, 0); while($cou = mysql_fetch_object($co)){ if($check != $cou->cname){ echo"$cou->cname: "; $check = $cou->cname; } echo" | $cou->CountyName($cou->num)\n"; } include'dailyfeature.php'; ?>