\r\n"; mail('jim.rolt@googlemail.com', $subject, $error, $headers); } if(isset($_GET['id'])){$id = intval($_GET['id']);} else{ header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found"); header("Location: https://information-britain.co.uk/errordoc.php"); exit(); } $fdel = mysql_query("DELETE FROM famouspop WHERE stamp <= SUBTIME(NOW(), '7 00:00:00.0000000') "); $fin = mysql_query("INSERT INTO famouspop (famid, stamp) VALUES($id, NOW())"); $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE RecordID, CountyName FROM CountyDetails WHERE CountryID != 4 ORDER BY CountyName"; $zxcf = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim("headcounties", "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $update = mysql_query("UPDATE famous SET visits = visits+1 WHERE id =$id")or mailjim("update", mysql_error()); $q = mysql_query("SELECT famous.*, url, BritishHeroes.DateEntered, CountyName, bcomregion, Towns.ID AS tid, famousdates.id as fid FROM famous LEFT JOIN CountyDetails ON CountyDetails.RecordID = famous.birthcounty LEFT JOIN EstDetails ON (EstDetails.Town = famous.birthplace OR EstDetails.Town = famous.deathplace) LEFT JOIN BritishHeroes ON BritishHeroes.famousid = famous.id LEFT JOIN Towns ON Towns.Name = famous.birthplace AND Towns.County = famous.birthcounty LEFT JOIN famousdates ON LEFT(fdate, 4) = LEFT(birthdate, 4) WHERE famous.id = $id GROUP BY birthplace DESC")or mailjim("q", mysql_error()); $title = mysql_fetch_object($q); $dd = mysql_query("SELECT id FROM famousdates WHERE LEFT(fdate, 4) = LEFT($title->deathdate, 4) LIMIT 1")or die(mysql_error()); $stown = mysql_real_escape_string($title->birthplace); if($title->deathcounty > 0){ $q2 = mysql_query("SELECT SQL_CACHE CountyName FROM CountyDetails WHERE RecordID = $title->deathcounty")or mailjim("q2", mysql_error()); $dc = mysql_fetch_object($q2); $deathcounty = $dc->CountyName; } $sql = "SELECT content, Entered, reviewer FROM Feedback WHERE link = '".mysql_real_escape_string($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])."' AND displayed = 1 ORDER BY Entered DESC"; $fb = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim('Feedback', "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE DISTINCT EstType FROM EstDetails INNER JOIN CountyDetails ON (County = CountyDetails.RecordID OR County2 = CountyDetails.RecordID) AND CountyDetails.RecordID = $title->birthcounty WHERE List = 1 AND EstType IN(1,2,12) AND Town = '$stown' "; $chktown = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim("chktown", "$sql\n".mysql_error()); $chtown = array(); while($ets = mysql_fetch_object($chktown)){ $chtown[]= $ets->EstType; } if(!empty($title->deathplace) ){ $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE ID FROM Towns WHERE Name = '".mysql_real_escape_string($title->deathplace)."' AND County = $title->deathcounty"; $dtcheck = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim('dtcheck', "$sql\n".mysql_error()); } $sql = "SELECT SQL_CACHE LEFT(quote, 30) AS quote FROM Quotes WHERE famousperson = '$title->id'Order By quoteid DESC LIMIT 1"; $fq = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim('fq', "$sql\n".mysql_error()); /* $sql = "SELECT * FROM tweets INNER JOIN ibtweeters ON ibtweeters.userid = tweets.tweeterid AND famousid = $id ORDER BY dateentered DESC LIMIT 11"; $tq = mysql_query($sql)or mailjim('tq', "$sql\n".mysql_error()); */ echo << $title->name, famous people from $title->birthplace. EOT; ?>
\n"; } if(!empty($title->birthplace)){ include'yellowbcombox.php'; yellowbox($title->birthplace, $title->bcomregion); } //include'connect.php'; //connect('', '', $title->name, $title->visits, date('jS F Y', strtotime($title->entered))); include'travelzoo.txt'; include'google250.txt'; include'yeddabox.txt'; ?>
- Favourite Briton.
"; include'linkunit.txt'; if(mysql_num_rows($tq) == 0){ ?>
amazon) >= 20){echo"
$title->amazon";} if(!empty($title->amazon2)){echo"
$title->amazon2";} echo'
'; } //echo"

Your feedback on this Article
\n"; if(!empty($title->birthplace)){echo"Born in "; $townurl = ucwords(trim(strtolower(str_replace('-', ' ', $title->birthplace))));//get rid of white space, allow for different capitalisation and hyphens/spaces if($title->tid){//theres a town table entry echo"$title->birthplace"; } elseif(!empty($chtown)){ echo'birthcounty\">$title->birthplace"; } else{echo"$title->birthplace";} //echo"$title->birthplace"; } if(!empty($title->birthplace) && !empty($title->CountyName)){echo',';} if(!empty($title->CountyName)){echo" $title->CountyName\n";} function dformat($fdate){ global $tday, $month, $yy, $suffix; $tday = $month = $yy = $suffix = ''; $months= array('01'=>"January",'02'=>"February",'03'=>"March",'04'=>"April",'05'=>"May",'06'=>"June",'07'=>"July",'08'=>"August",'09'=>"September",'10'=>"October",'11'=>"November",'12'=>"December"); if(substr($fdate, 5, 2) != '00'){ $month = $months[substr($fdate, 5, 2)]; $tday = substr($fdate, 8, 2); $tday = (substr($tday, 0, 1) == 0) ? substr($tday, 1) : $tday; //echo $tday; switch($tday){ case(substr($tday, -1, 1) == 1 && substr($tday, 0, 1) != 1 ): case 1: $suffix = 'st'; break; case(substr($tday, -1, 1) == 2 && substr($tday, 0, 1) != 1): $suffix = 'nd'; break; case(substr($tday, -1, 1) == 3): $suffix = 'rd'; break; default: $suffix = 'th'; } } $yy = substr($fdate, 0, 4); if(substr($yy, 0, 1) == 0){ $yy = substr($yy, 1);} } if(!empty($title->birthdate)){ dformat($title->birthdate); echo'
Born '; if($month > ''){echo" on $tday$suffix of $month ";} else{echo'in ';} if(!empty($title->fid)){ $byear = substr($title->birthdate, 0,4); echo"$byear\n"; } else{echo"$yy\n";} } if(!empty($title->deathplace) || isset($deathcounty)){echo'
Died in ';} if(!empty($title->deathplace)){ if(mysql_num_rows($dtcheck) > 0){ echo"$title->deathplace"; } else{ echo"$title->deathplace"; } } if(!empty($title->deathplace) && isset($deathcounty)){echo', ';} if(isset($deathcounty)){echo"$deathcounty\n";} if($title->deathdate > '0000-00-00'){ dformat($title->deathdate); echo'
Died '; if($month > ''){echo" on $tday$suffix of $month ";} else{echo'in ';} if(mysql_num_rows($dd) == 1){ $byear = substr($title->deathdate, 0,4); echo"$byear\n"; } else{echo"$yy\n";} } if(!empty($title->url)){ $heroday =date("F jS Y", strtotime($title->DateEntered)); echo"
British hero of the week $heroday"; } if(mysql_num_rows($fq) > 0){ $quot = mysql_fetch_object($fq); echo"

Quotes from $title->name

'$quot->quote'... More

"; } if(!empty($title->detail)){echo'


\n";} /* if(mysql_num_rows($tq) > 0){ $rows = mysql_num_rows($tq); $pagenum = $rows < 10 ? $rows : 10; echo"

Tweets from $title->name

"; for($i=1;$i<=$pagenum;$i++){ $tweet = mysql_fetch_object($tq); $time = date("g:ia, jS M Y", strtotime($tweet->dateentered)); $desc = str_replace('Â', '', $tweet->description); echo <<


EOT; } if($rows == 11){echo"

More musings from $tweet->screen_name

\n";} echo'
'; } */ if(!empty($title->link) || !empty($title->link2) || !empty($title->link3) || !empty($title->link4) || !empty($title->link5)){ echo"

\n"; if(!empty($title->link)){ if(strpos($title->link, 'showPlace')){echo"internal link";} else{echo" $title->link";} echo' '; if(!empty($title->comment)){echo"$title->comment\n";} echo'
'; } if(!empty($title->link2)){echo""; if(strpos($title->link2, 'showPlace')){echo"internal link";} else{echo" $title->link2";} echo' '; if(!empty($title->comment2)){echo"$title->comment2\n";} echo'
'; } if(!empty($title->link3)){echo""; if(strpos($title->link3, 'showPlace')){echo"internal link";} else{echo" $title->link3";} echo' '; if(!empty($title->comment3)){echo"$title->comment3\n";} echo'
'; } if(!empty($title->link4)){echo""; if(strpos($title->link4, 'showPlace')){echo"internal link";} else{echo" $title->link4";} echo' '; if(!empty($title->comment4)){echo"$title->comment4\n";} echo'
'; } if(!empty($title->link5)){echo""; if(strpos($title->link5, 'showPlace')){echo"internal link";} else{echo" $title->link5";} echo' '; if(!empty($title->comment5)){echo"$title->comment5\n";} echo'
'; } echo'

'; } ?>

More famous Britons here

0){ $feednum = mysql_num_rows($fb); $response = $feednum > 1 ? 'Responses' : 'Response'; echo"

$feednum $response to $title->name

\n"; while($feed = mysql_fetch_object($fb)){ $edate = date('jS F Y', strtotime($feed->Entered)); echo"

From $feed->reviewer on $edate

\n"; } } echo"

Contributors: Do you have a site related to $title->name?
Supply some content for this page and we will gladly add a link to your site. Email here.

\n"; ?> entered)); echo"

$title->visits views since $date

\n"; include'dailyfeature.php'; ?>